Being member of a model railway club, I was asked if I could make a 3D design of an existing iron construction situated in Westerlo, Belgium.
We rebuild the centre of the village in scale 1:87 (HO). At that period (1913) there was still a steam and diesel tram railway.
This iron construction was a central eye-catcher on the village square.
It supported a typical tree ‘een lindeboom’ (or a lime tree if I can believe google translator 🙂 ) found in many villages in my region. So also the village Westerlo did have his specimen.
More information and photographs : (dutch site).
Search on Westerlo.

Meer info op: Model_making__poles_in_scale_187
Typical dutch hous

Meer info op: dutch house
This Dutch windmill has been designed in such a way that it can be 3D printed on an FDM 3D printer without the use of support material. Only the 6 RAILING parts need a small support pillar on one of the ends.
The BLADE parts can be printed flat and can easily be set at an angle afterwards if printed in PLA. Just hold them in 40°C water and you will be able to bend them gently.
The windmill is designed to be motorized using the following 12V DC motor that you can buy at Conrad or Aliexpress etc.

Meer info op: Dutch windmill
Typical dutch townhouse in H0 scale

Meer info op: dutch townhouse
Dutch Drawbridge
This model of a (Dutch) Amsterdam Canalbridge is based on the drawbridges in Amsterdam and is part of the “New Amsterdam Crochet Project”, that my wife has initiated.
Many more 3D printed models were the result of this project. I have included a few pictures of the entire New Amsterdam crochet scene (by night), to get an idea of the project this model is part of.
When fully assembled this drawbridge model will be 25 cm long, 22 cm wide, 19 cm high.
This bridge fits well into the LGB model train scale (approx. 1:25).

Meer informatie op: Ophaalbrug
Container House Model HO Scale by mrttzc is licensed under the Creative Commons